Tips and Techniques – Stamping On Felt


Stamping on felt is a bit trickier than stamping on to paper. Firstly, the detail of the stamp has to give way to a more “blocked in” shape – such as the ones you see in the pics below.

For this tip, I have used somoe cheap kids craft stamps I found in Spotlight, some thick acrylic paint, a foam brush, scissors, a needle and thread and, of course, felt.

What type of Felt?

There’s really no difference between felts of different brands. Going to a place like Spotlight or Lincraft will get you a good selectiono to start with. If you are planning on cutting the felt out in shapes afterwards, then start with a felt that has an adhesive backing. It is soooooo much easier to cut and keep it’s shape..


Step One:

Paint an even layer of paint pn the foam stamp using the foam brush.

Step Two:

Press the painted stamp firmly down on to the felt. Don’t wiggle it or press too hard – you might smear it, even though felt has a better texture than paper.

Step Three:

Take the stamp off carefully and you should end up with a blocked image such as this one.

If your image has a few holes in it, it’s because there are air holes in the paint. The next time you stamp, make sure you paint on the layer of paint with a dry or only semi wet brush. If the brush is too wet, you’ll make the paint thin out too much.

Step Three:

You can either use the stamp on other surfaces – hey, you may as well now that you’ve got all the equipment out. Then you can grab your needle and thread and do a simple chain or blanket stitch around the outer edges of the stamped images. Using a contrasting thread to create some visual interest, or keep the colours to a minimum to create uniformity.

Now you can use the custom made embies on your own LO!!

Happy Scrapping,

Sares x

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  1. […] Tips and Techniques – Stamping On Felt […]

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