Tips and Techniques – Stencil Stamps

I have taken to using stencil stamoing in my LO’s again – if only to add a title but they really do cut it better than a rub on – which are so darn expensive anyway!

 So, much better to create a custom heading using stencil stamps and a bit of paint!

The stencil stamps I use are Making Memories ones – but there a few others out there on the market.

Once you have your LO where you want it to be, and everything has been stuck down, pull out the paints (I always use Making Memories) and the stencil stamps and line up the letters of the title you want.

Turn the letters over and use some masking tape to tape all along their backs to keep them in a line for stamping a perfectly linear title.

Alternately, use them all higgledy piggledy to create a more dynamic look….here’s my sample:

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A couple of tips when using this technique:
1. Use a flat ended foam brush to brush on the paint
2. WASH you foam brush and your stamps straight away after use. No amount of scrubbing will get that stuff off later.
3. Use a dry brush technique (ie: only put on a small amount of paint on your brush) to brush over the stamps to get a rougher, more teenage or boy appropriate look.
4. Use a fine line black ink pen (like a Zig) to roughly outline each letter to make them stand out a bit more.
5. Use a washed down brown watercolour paint to slightly colour behind each letter to make them look slightly 3D.

Here’s my example close up so you can see that technique:

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