Some news…

Hi there guys,
You must wonder what I get up to in my little world offline, huh?
I mean, why so long between posts?

Well, there is a bit of news from me that I would like to share.
I have, in the last month, ended my marriage, moved and started a new life.

It’s been a tough time, I’m sure you can appreciate, so please understand when I don’t answer emails or requests. It’s pretty busy here, lol!

I have no intentions of closing this site or stopping scrapping. I want the scrapping and photography to continue as they are important to me, but not as important to me as my four beautiful babies. I need to take care of them right now, so if it’s quiet on here, don’t think I have disappeared completely. I love hearing from everyone and that is more important than ever, right now.

So please take care all – for now, please go through the site and take inspiration from the work in the gallery and in the tutorials.
There WILL be more, in future.

Love to all,
Sares xxx